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I grew up all over the United States as my family followed my dad's Naval career. I attended eight different schools while growing up and didn't understand that not everyone changed schools every few years. Although moving around the country was difficult, I had some amazing opportunities to explore this great nation with my family and meet some great people. I had the opportunity to catch Salmon in the Pacific, cross the Golden Gate Bridge, hunt elk in Idaho, and see the Blue Angels in Virginia. I wouldn’t have changed a single thing about my childhood.
Before graduating high school, I enlisted in the Michigan Army National Guard. That was in January of 2000 and I’m still at it, teaching master’s level classes to Army Majors for the Command and General Staff Officer College. The Army has given me a very humbling opportunity to serve my country, travel across the globe, and make new friends, some of which are closer than family. I’ve seen the sunrise over the Hindu Kush mountains near Kabul, Afghanistan and I have seen the sunset over the Arch of Ctesiphon, south of Bagdad. I have seen the absolute best of humanity. I have also seen and experienced the worst.
After returning from my first deployment to Bagdad, I was hired to teach 8th grade in L’Anse, MI, about 90 miles from my hometown. After several years of teaching and coaching, and another deployment, this time to Afghanistan, I was able to move back to my hometown where I teach and coach my beloved Flivvers.
I am married to a wonderful woman who loves Jesus, me, and my son in a way that brings all three of us closer to God, and closer to each other. My son is a rambunctious “boys boy” who loves hunting, fishing, sports, and videogames.
John VanDusen
Kingsford, Michigan